Pontius Pilate
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The people reporting the incidence were not trying to make a charge against Pontius Pilate .
Pontius Pilate had Jesus ' " crime " King of the Jews posted in three languages , in ironic tribute to the travesty of justice .
Tim . 6:13 I charge you before God , who preserves all things in life , and Christ Jesus , who testified the good confession before Pontius Pilate .
But we 'll go ahead and say he currently has the hair for the job , and if anyone could make the masses care for a " Pontius Pilate " movie , he could .
Pontius Pilate , who was the governor of Judea , his actual title wasn 't governor , he was a procurator , during the time that Jesus was killed himself .
The unwieldy zaniness of Bulgakov 's great novel - whose action involves the devil and his retinue visiting Stalin 's Moscow , the blighted affair of the eponymous characters , and the master 's novel about Pontius Pilate and Jesus - somehow hasn 't deterred stage adaptations .